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Enter the name of the game you want to search, select your screensize and also select how you want the search result to show. Search with the first two or three letters of the name of the game. For example, if you want to search for "Monster University" game, search using the keyword "Mon".
# Create the search form print
# Create the search text input field get srch print
# Get the currently selected search folder or set it to the default folder get_or_default fldr;my_images # This re-selects the last selected folder # the names and variables must match the ones used in the radio buttons var $chk = checked="checked" var $fltyp1= Mp3 var $fltyp2= Video var $fltyp3= Image if $fldr == my_mp3 var $chk1 =$chk var $fltyp= $fltyp1 elseif $fldr == my_video var $chk2 = $chk var $fltyp= $fltyp2 elseif $fldr == my_images var $chk3 = $chk var $fltyp= $fltyp3 endif # Create the selected folder radio buttons # add more buttons or set your own values if required print
print $fltyp1 print  $fltyp2 print  $fltyp3 print
# This re-selects the last sort type and direction # the names and variables must match the ones used in the radio buttons get_or_default typ;name get_or_default dir;asc if $typ == name var $chk4 =$chk elseif $typ== size var $chk5= $chk endif if $dir == asc var $chk6 =$chk elseif $dir== desc var $chk7= $chk endif # Create the sort type and direction radio buttons print
print Name print  Size print  Asc print  Desc print
# This re-selects the last selected results per page # the names and variables must match the ones used in the select menu var $slct= selected="selected" get_or_default per_page;0 if $per_page == 3 var $slct1 =$slct elseif $per_page== 5 var $slct2= $slct elseif $per_page == 10 var $slct3= $slct elseif $per_page == 0 var $slct4= $slct endif # Create the per page select menu print
print Per page print
# Add the submit button and close the search form print
# Start the results output container print
# No search pattern so output the default html and exit the script var $exists=call strlen $val=$srch if not $exists print
Search my files
goto @end else # Create the filelist template for the search results # Must be all on one line var $template=
.file_name_base_parsed. (.file_size.) .file_mime. .file_datetime.
# convert reserved characters var $template=call htmlspecialchars $val=$template # Note: If all your search files have file-extensions (.mp3 .png etc.) set the filter to $srch*.* # This will filter out all files without extensions (ie: index) # Get the search results using $srch* in the xt:filelist filter var $results = endif # No results so output the default html for no search results and exit the script if not $results print
No results for $srch in $fltyp
goto @end else # Output the results print

$fltyp results for "$srch"

print $results endif @end # Close the results output container print
< !--/parser:xtscript-->
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